Pre-workout supplements are designed to enhance energy, endurance, and focus, but how you take them can significantly impact their effectiveness. Most pre-workout ingredients are water-soluble, meaning they dissolve in water and are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. However, some ingredients require fats for optimal absorption, making it essential to know the best way to take them.
Water-Soluble Pre-Workout Ingredients
Water-soluble ingredients are quickly absorbed and typically begin working within 20–45 minutes.
Common Water-Soluble Pre-Workout Ingredients:
• Caffeine (boosts energy and focus)
• Creatine Monohydrate (supports strength and power)
• Beta-Alanine (delays muscle fatigue)
• L-Citrulline (enhances nitric oxide production for better blood flow)
• B Vitamins (help convert food into energy)
Best Way to Take Them:
• Mix with water or a hydrating liquid (like coconut water) for rapid absorption.
• Take 30–45 minutes before training for optimal performance.
• Avoid taking caffeine-heavy pre-workouts too late in the day, as it can disrupt sleep.
• Creatine monohydrate absorbs best when taken with water and carbohydrates, so if your pre-workout lacks carbs, consider taking creatine with a meal earlier in the day.
What Happens If You Take Them Without Water?
Without water, these ingredients may absorb more slowly and could cause digestive discomfort. Caffeine and beta-alanine, in particular, can be harsh on the stomach without liquid.
Oil-Soluble Pre-Workout Ingredients
Some pre-workout ingredients require fats for better absorption and sustained release.
Common Oil-Soluble Pre-Workout Ingredients:
• Fat-Soluble Vitamins (A, D, E, K) (support recovery and muscle function)
• CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) (enhances endurance by improving mitochondrial function)
• Curcumin (reduces exercise-induced inflammation)
Best Way to Take Them:
• Take with a meal that contains healthy fats (such as eggs, nuts, or avocado) to enhance absorption.
• If your pre-workout contains CoQ10 or fat-soluble vitamins, consider pairing it with a small snack containing healthy fats about 30 minutes before training.
What Happens If You Take Them Without Fat?
Without dietary fat, absorption of these ingredients may be significantly reduced, leading to less effective results.
Are You Taking Your Pre-Workout the Right Way?
• Water-Soluble Ingredients → Mix with water for quick absorption.
• Oil-Soluble Ingredients → Take with a meal containing healthy fats to maximize uptake.
• Stacking Creatine? → Take it with carbs and water for best results.
By optimizing how you take your pre-workout, you’ll improve its efficacy, absorption, and performance benefits. If you’re unsure which pre-workout is right for you, stop by Nutrition Nation—our experts can help you find the best formula for your training plan and supplement needs.