
body composition

Fitness Goals

Why Body Recomposition Should Be Your New Fitness Goal

Why Body Recomposition Should Be Your New Fitness Goal

Focusing on body recomposition rather than just weight reduction or muscle gain may be the best method to reach your fitness goals. 


Maybe your ultimate goal is to lose weight. Maybe you want to be more fit. Maybe both. When looking at your fitness goals, you want to consider your body composition. 

Body recomposition is a new way of thinking about physical fitness. Setting recomposition objectives might help you achieve improved overall health and physical condition without even stepping on a scale.

What Is Body Recomposition? 

Body recomposition is a fitness objective that focuses on improving the composition of your body. Rather than focusing on your weight, body recomposition goals consider how muscle and fat, the two major contributors to that weight, relate to one another.

Body recomposition goals for the majority of people include not simply losing weight but also gaining muscle mass.

Note that body recomposition progress does not necessarily reflect on the scale.

How To Approach Body Recomposition 

Can you lose weight and gain muscle at the same time? Absolutely. Body recomposition, like any other physical objective, requires a steady balance of nutrition and exercise.

Eating For Body Recomposition

Eating too few calories on a daily basis can lead to muscle loss as well as fat tissue loss. Restricting calories won’t help you gain. With body recomposition, you’ll want to be at a moderate caloric deficit so that you’re burning fat, but not so much that your muscles don’t have enough fuel.

Finding your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), or the number of calories your body burns every day at rest, is the easiest approach to figuring out how many calories you need. You may then organize your diet and exercise routine so that your daily net calorie count is slightly less than your BMR. 

When it comes to body recomposition, the quality of your nutrition is also very important. Make sure you get enough protein every day, especially after a workout. It’s a good idea to substitute low-quality carbs (highly processed, high sugar, low glycemic index) with healthy carbohydrates like those found in fruits and vegetables while trying to lose weight. Choose healthier fats such as olive oil, avocado, and omega-3s over trans and saturated fats.

Exercising For Body Recomposition 

When resistance exercise is combined with a sufficient protein intake, muscle hypertrophy occurs. The repetitive contractions in resistance-based exercise (think weightlifting) start to tear down the fibers in your muscles. When you consume enough protein, your body can heal those microtears by replacing them with additional muscle fibers, resulting in growth. 

You’ll need a good combination of aerobic and resistance exercise to burn fat and gain muscle at the same time. Ideal fitness regimens include a variety of exercises to keep your body challenged.

Consistency is key. When it comes to body recomposition, you should work out multiple times each week for the greatest effects. When you’re putting in work during your exercise, your muscles need a period of recovery in order to grow, so don’t skip rest days.

Think About Your Fitness Goals Differently

Focusing on body recomposition rather than just weight reduction or muscle gain may be the best method to reach your fitness goals. So, if you’re tired of looking at the same number on the scale every day, try changing your goals and tracking your body composition instead!

Talk to the pros at Nutrition Nation about designing a fitness plan.

The Importance of Getting a Body Composition Test

By Leslie Radford



What to Eat During the Holidays to Keep Your Body Composition

What to Eat During the Holidays to Keep Your Body Composition

Three steps to maintaining your body composition during the holidays


The holidays are upon us. Between the frequent gatherings and endless shopping trips, it’s hard to keep a consistent gym schedule, much less a healthy eating schedule. One study found that people gain an average of 500% more weight per week during the holiday compared to non-holiday weeks!

No worries. Nutrition Nation is here to help you maintain your body composition and provide support to avoid holiday weight gain.

Body Composition

First, come get an InBody scan at the store. You can test your body composition to get your biometric data like percent body fat, muscle mass, and fat mass. Use the InBody to set a baseline to see how much fat you lose, or how much stronger you’ve become over the next few months.

In less than 60 seconds, an InBody scan can provide you with additional information like:

Segmental Analysis: Learn how much muscle and fat is in each of your body segments (right arm, left arm, torso, right leg, left leg) to identify areas of weakness.

Visceral Fat Analysis: Learn how much fat is surrounding your major organs. Visceral fat is associated with risks of developing diseases like cancer, diabetes, and stroke.

Basal Metabolic Rate: Find out how many calories your body burns while at rest so you can calculate how much food you should be eating per day.

Read more about body composition

plate with fork and knife icon

Eat Healthy

Second, watch what you eat for the next few months. You’re going to be tempted to indulge in all the salty, sweet, and carboliscious foods associated with Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s, but you have to be strong!

Here are a few nutrition tips to stay on track during the holidays:

Eat 1 plate of food. Fill it with lean protein (like turkey), vegetables (greens are best), and healthy carbs (like sweet potatoes). Have small servings of guilty pleasures. 

Limit alcohol and sugary beverages. This may be a hard one. Have seltzer with a lime, or if you absolutely have to, have a glass of wine. Sip it and savor it. 

Drink a ton of water. This will keep you full and dilute the sodium found in many holiday foods.

Have dessert. Make it something REALLY worth it. Have a half serving. Or, make your own healthy dessert and bring some to share. 

Protein up. Drink a protein shake 60 minutes before mealtime. This will bring you in to the meal already satiated and not ravenous.

Stop before you’re full. Eat slow, chew slow, enjoy the heck out of your food. This will allow your brain to catch up to your stomach and keep from over-eating.

Learn how to count macros. 

man doing workout at home

Work Out

Third, make time to work out. Holiday foods are high in calories, so you need to do something to work them off. Even if you can’t make it to the gym, go for a walk or jog, do some isometric exercises when nobody’s looking, pack some resistance bands in your suitcase when headed to the relatives – hey, something is better than nothing! 

Here are some core exercises you can do without equipment. 

Happy Holidays

Enjoy your time with your family, just pay attention to what you’re eating and make time to work out. Then head back to Nutrition Nation to get your body composition to see how well you did!

By Leslie Radford

The Importance of Getting a Body Composition Test

The Importance of Getting a Body Composition Test

If you want to learn what you need to do to shed those extra pounds, build lean muscle, or even what nutrients your body may need more of, you’ll want to take a body composition test.

What is a Body Composition Test?

A body composition analysis is essential to completely understanding your health. It breaks down your body into four components: fat, lean body mass, minerals, and body water; and can provide insights into how to change your lifestyle, exercise plan, or healthcare practices.

With a body composition test, we can provide an individualized health plan that best fits your goals and personal needs. Not only will it help you become healthier, but it can reduce the risk of deadly diseases and health issues.

Health Benefits Associated with Measuring Body Composition

We all want the ability to burn more calories and build muscle to significantly reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and other health issues. When you have a plan, you can increase your range of motion, movement, and function, and have more energy.

Improve Your Overall Body Composition

With the results of the body scan, you can make simple changes in your daily lifestyle. Suggestions that might be made to you are: Increasing your physical activity by participating in resistance exercises that will help you improve your muscle to fat ratio, incorporating cardiovascular exercises combined with healthy eating, and we may suggest supplements to ensure you’re receiving all the nutrients your body needs to improve your overall body composition.

What to Expect from a Body Composition Scan?

Our evaluation only takes a few minutes. We’ll create a plan with you to make sure you meet your health goals.

Learning more about your body will help you make educated decisions when it comes to your physical fitness and nutritional health.

What is BMI and to Use it

What is BMI and to Use it

While it doesn’t calculate fat percentage, the Body Mass Index is an indicator if you are overweight and could be subject to health issues. Unless you are a muscular athlete or a child, the BMI is a standard tool for accessing health risks. Body mass index is a way of describing height and weight in one number that can help tell if someone’s weight is healthy or not.

Why it Matters

The higher your BMI, the higher the risk of developing a range of conditions linked with excess weight, including:

  • diabetes
  • arthritis

  • liver disease

  • several types of cancer (such as those of the breast, colon, and prostate)

  • high blood pressure (hypertension)

  • high cholesterol

  • sleep apnea

  • heart disease

  • stroke

  • high blood pressure

  • gallbladder disease

  • premature death

  • osteoarthritis and joint disease

Why it May Not Matter

It’s important to recognize that BMI itself does not measure your health or physiological state that indicates the presence (or absence) of disease. It simply measures your size. Plenty of people have a high or low BMI and are healthy and plenty of people with a normal BMI are unhealthy.

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