How Does Sugar Affect Your Brain?
How Does Sugar Affect Your Brain? Most of us are aware of the negative effects of eating too much sugar: tooth decay, weight gain, and diabetes all ensure processed sugar has a reputation for being bad for your health. But, what happens to your brain when you consume processed sugar? Why is sugar considered bad […]
FitnessInBody Blog Free Weights vs Bodyweight: Which is Better?
FITNESSINBODY BLOG Free Weights vs. Bodyweight: Which is Better? InBody So you’ve got your diet and cardio routines down, or you have a plan, and you’ve been researching strength training. You know that it’s something every well-rounded exercise program includes, so you know you should have it in yours, too. But in your research, you’ve […]
Are Carbohydrates Really Bad For Your Body Composition?
Are Carbohydrates Really Bad For Body Composition? If you’ve ever heard someone talking about “macros,” they’re talking about three major nutrients: protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Bodybuilders and fitness experts pay close attention to the macronutrient profile of the foods they eat to yield certain results—increased protein for muscle development and reduced carbohydrates for fat loss are […]
Is Your Dad Bod In-Style or Unhealthy?
Is Your Dad Bod In-Style or Unhealthy? Men have been working out to increase muscle mass for decades. Every generation comes up with new phrases that refer to this phenomenon, such as getting “ripped” or “swole” or “yoked,” as a result of men searching for the optimal physique that has been influenced by athletes, movie […]
Does A High Protein Diet Really Help With Weight Loss?
Does a High Protein Diet Really Help with Weight Loss? “High protein diet”, “eat 25g of protein with each meal”, “eat more protein” — sound familiar? If not, where have you been? By now in your journey toward greater health and fitness, it’s almost impossible to have not heard of high protein diets — ones […]
Why Gut Bacteria is Important to Your Body Composition
Why Gut Bacteria Is Important to Your Body Composition InBody Editor’s Note: This post was updated on August 31, 2018, for accuracy and comprehensiveness. It was originally published on July 28, 2016 When you hear the word “bacteria,” it’s probably a safe bet your mind goes to “eww” instead of “love it!!!”. That’s understandable: bacteria brings to mind yucky germs, […]
How To Start Changing Your Body Composition, Today
How to Start Changing Your Body Composition, Today If you’re reading this, then somewhere in your mind you’ve already made the decision to change your life for the better. That’s great! Making the decision to improve your life in a healthy and positive way is half the battle. Many people start off with a simple […]
Is It Healthy To Have A Low Body Fast Percentage?
Is It Healthy to Have a Low Body Fat Percentage? Months before a bodybuilding competition, male bodybuilders usually aim to cut body fat as low as 3-4 percent body fat for that shredded look, while their female counterparts go as low as 8-9% for that beautiful, lean physique. This has led many to believe that their body fat levels should […]
Three Simple Rules To Hit Your Target Weight
Three Simple rules to hit your target weight Customers always ask how to put on weight, lose weight or simply maintain their current weight. The answer is incredibly simple. (Diet gurus don’t want you to know just how simple it actually is) Three steps will get you the results you are looking for. Eat right. […]